All doulas certified through Doula Trainings International are expected to uphold DTI's Promise and DTI's Compass of Care.

If there is a question or concern that a DTI certified doula is not upholding this promise or scope of work, a complaint can be submitted through the steps listed. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that a fair and comprehensive understanding of the issue will be discussed and processed by the DTI internal team.


  1. Complaint should be emailed to with any additional documents for review by the DTI core team.
  2. Complaint must be received no later than 12 months after the alleged occurrence.
  3. The doula under review must be named in the complaint.
  4. The DTI core team will review the complaint.
  5. All involved parties will be notified in writing and will have the opportunity to review any documents submitted in the grievance. The doula named in the complaint will be given the opportunity to respond.
  6. In some cases, DTI will refer a third party mediator when deemed necessary by the DTI core team.
  7. All parties must be committed to a resolution.
  8. All avenues should be fully exhausted.
  9. Ideally, all grievances will be settled in an informal way and as quickly as possible.
  10. All documents submitted will remain on file with DTI.
  11. Every effort should be made to address complaints quickly and fairly.